Q: Where can I find the size chart?
A: The size chart is located on the product page below the product description on every product page
Q: Can you help me with my dog’s size?
A: We can help with getting the right size for your dog. E-mail us your dog’s neck, chest length measurements and weight to info@petponia.com and we will be happy to help.
Q: Where are the products shipped from?
A: All products are shipped from the U.S.
Q: How long does the shipping take?
A: Typically, all products are shipped within 24hrs Monday-Friday, and delivery typically takes 3 -5 business days. Allow a little extra time for the holidays due to Post Office delays that we don’t have control over.
Q: Where is PetPonia located?
A: We are based in California, USA
Q: Should I go by PetPonia’s dog apparel size chart?
A: Yes, you must order following our size chart. Do not use other brands’ size charts!